Disruptive Technologies: Part 1
- Executive Insights
Industrial businesses cannot afford to ignore disruptive technologies. Technological change is accelerating faster than ever and the digital revolution is ushering in a variety of innovations that have the potential to fundamentally change business models and industry structures.
In this Executive Insights London Partners Tom Diplock and Jeremy Wheatland explain how businesses can evaluate the potential impact of disruptive technologies by using a robust framework to assess the potential challenges and opportunities.
Combining L.E.K.’s expertise with client knowledge and industry-specific data, the framework provides a clear approach to identify the relevant disruptive technologies, prioritize the areas of the value chain and end markets to investigate, and then assess the impact of technologies on those prioritized areas.
While the breadth and speed of technological innovations can be overwhelming, there are rewards for businesses that make the most of the opportunities on offer – provided they act early.